Tag Archives: 7 Deadly Sins of Playing a Live Show

7 Deadly Sins of Playing a Live Show – Guitarists

1. Noodling Between Tunes
There’s no good reason to be playing little licks and riffs between songs. It’s unprofessional and annoys bandmates who are ready to go. Plus, you steal the thunder from a song when you reveal part of it beforehand. The audience shouldn’t even have to hear you tune.

2. Not Pacing The Set List
Like a full-length CD (remember CD’s?), a good set is sequenced carefully. Consider how song order will affect the flow of mood and energy in your performance, and work out a few segues so you won’t have to interrupt that flow. Be ready to make changes as you read the audience, too — but don’t pull out the big guns early if you want to go out with a bang.

Continued at Source: The Punch-In – insight and inspiration for guitarists