Tag Archives: Country Music Award host

How Much Brad Paisley would have Made on Beat-Play

Co-Host of this year’s 44th Annual Country Music Awards, Brad Paisley has reportedly sold over 10 million albums. Yesterday I did an estimation of How Much Eminem would have Made on Beat-Play(there’s a “b” in there). Since the Country Music Awards are tonight, I figured I’d do another estimation on Brad Paisley.

Brad Paisley has released 14 albums all together, with a total of 148 tracks. That gives him an average of about 11 tracks/album. On Beat-Play, if each on of those 11 tracks were listened to only 3 times by each of the 10 million people who bought a copy, Brad Paisley would have made $4,950,000 dollars, at $15/1000 plays (ad space price).

However, Brad Paisley has 148 tracks. If all of those tracks were available to listen to for free, all in one place (the conditions on Beat-Play) and each track were listened to only 3 times by 10 million people, Paisley would have made $66.6 million dollars at $15/1000 plays. The truth is that Brad Paisley probably has more than 10 million fans total, since he has 10 million that are willing to actually pay for his music, and I’m sure each of his tracks has been listened to more than 3 times on average by all of his fans.

Paisley is only estimated to be worth $22 million dollars right now, and that includes touring and merchandise money. The $66.6 million on Beat-Play was just music. Look at the difference! Beat-Play not only will distribute and promote the music for free by allowing it to naturally spread throughout people’s social networks, but it will give the artists the control over their income that they deserve, and give them the opportunity to make the kind of money they should be making, without dishing out huge portions to record labels.

Beat-Play will be released to the public as a social radio Facebook app in several months. If you would like to help us test our radio, please email me directly at Dante@musicwithoutlabels.com. We hope to hear from you!

Written by: Dante Cullari Founder & CEO Beat-Play, LLC
