Tag Archives: dubstep wobble bass

How to Create a Dubstep Wobble Bass with Subtractor in Reason

When creating Dubstep music, one of the most important instruments is the bass. A lot of Dubstep songs have a wobble bass. This is basically a bass with a filter being modulated in a rhythmic sync with the tempo. Most often you will hear triplets and 8th notes being modulated by an LFO on the filter. In this tutorial, we will cover how to create a bass sound and add the ‘Wobble’ effect in the Subtractor device within Reason.

Step 1

First create a new project in Reason then add the following devices from the tool window:

  1. 1. MClass Mastering Suite Combinator
  2. 2. Mixer 14:2
  3. 3. Subtractor Analog Synthesizer

You can hide the Mastering Suite and Mixer, as we won’t need them, by clicking the arrow in the top left of each device. Now we need to initialize the patch. (This clears out the default sound) Right click anywhere on the Subtractor and choose: Initialize Patch.

Continue through to Step 7
