Tag Archives: Relayted

Here’s The RUNDOWN (4/16-4/24) [CHARTS]

mthds live

Gayngs “Relayted” [MUSIC][ALBUM][VIDEO]

If you attended this little festival called Coachella this past weekend you probably have hearing loss and you probably heard about Gayngs.  This 25 member collective headed up by Solid Gold members Zack Coulter and Adam Hurlburt with Ryan Olson features members from a plethora (I love that word) of bands and styles of music.  The initial demo of the first track “The Gaudy Side Of Town” from the debut album “Relayted” is one of those songs where, as a musician, you know what your listening to is new and fresh and you need to play on it somehow so they did… everyone did.

The Gaudy Side of Town – Gayngs

The first people to join the cause were North Carolina’s Megafaun (Joe Westerlund, Brad Cook, Phil Cook), and with them came Ivan Howard (The Rosebuds), and Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon and Mike Noyce. By mid-2009 the studio sessions were becoming more and more frequent, bouncing back and forth between April Base and Olson’s bedroom. In Minneapolis, Olson brought in Rhymesayers rapper P.O.S and his fellow Doomtree artist Dessa, psych-rockers Jake Luck and Nick Ryan (Leisure Birds), song-birds Channy Moon-Casselle and Katy Morley, jazz-saxophonist Michael Lewis (Happy Apple, Andrew Bird), retro-pop duo Maggie Morrison and Grant Cutler (Lookbook), and slide-guitarist Shön Troth (Solid Gold).  — jagjaguar.com

Photo by, Leslie Plesser

It’s bands like this that make me want to stand out in 100 degree heat braving massive crowds and drunk asses.  Mellow in mood and flow “Relayted” is very clean and atmospheric.  Soaring harmonies with precisely placed strings and piano gives the music a familiar feeling while being true to its originality.  With all the different musical tastes and tendencies it doesn’t surprise me this record took years to make.

 The result however must be worth it for these guys, because it was for me and I just heard of them.  The slow moods of RnB tracks such as “No Sweat” stand up next to tracks such as the free form jazzy and electronically experimental sounding “False Bottom.”  The two tracks sound like completely different bands and in this case they probably are, which I find hilarious and delightfully intriguing.

No Sweat – Gayings

False Bottom – Gayngs

This record is a great listen and comes highly recommended by yours truly.  Gayngs has a couple shows HERE on their myspace page and their record “Relayted” is available HERE.

Here’s the last track from “Relayted”

The Last Prom on Earth  –  Gayngs


For those who made it out to Coachella my hats off to you and for those who weren’t able to make it out I hope this makes you jealous you weren’t there.

By: Steve Rippin | Beat-Play Ambassador Los Angeles | @stevewithMWL|Music Without Labels & Beat-Play, LLC