Tag Archives: The Lost Boys

MaXXXimum – “Destroy the Dancefloor” [VIDEO]

Meet Max Kline, a London-based electro producer who goes by the stage name MaXXXimum. Recently, he released a new track entitled “Destroy the Dancefloor” which I have taken a serious liking to. It has even supplanted The Shrugs‘ nearly two week hold of my cell phone’s ringtone. I once read, of MaXXXimum’s basslines, that the “XXX” in his name was appropriate because his basslines were so dirty.

Klein has been garnering local attention and has been featured on BBC’s “Introducing…,” which strives to support unsigned, undiscovered, and under the radar artists. You can hear a portion of that segment here. For you viewing pleasure, Klein has also created a video, a video mashup of sorts, for “Destroy the Dancefloor.” Set to the backdrop of the vampiric thriller The Lost Boys, Kline creates an audial thriller of his own, which you can download here free of charge.

Kyle C. Stilley | Marketing Strategist | @stillz | Music Without Labels & Beat-Play, LLC | kyle@musicwithoutlabels.com