Tag Archives: Dammit

What’s the music scene like in India? – Q & A w/ Dammit

Awesome indie punk band Dammit, from India, recently opened up a pretty sweet Fan Questions page linking to their Facebook. Not knowing much about the music scene in India, this post’s title was my question. This was their response:

Q: What’s the music scene like in India?

A: oh wow! big question! lol. well its pretty messed up. there’s very little support for independent music since the whole nation has been brainwashed to think that the only source of music in the universe is Bollywood movies. Even if some band gets a good fan base on their own, its tough to play gigs coz there are very few good venues and they overcharge the fans and many dont pay the bands either. All the gigs happen in like 4 or 5 cities in the entire country and all the other towns don’t have any venues for playing live music and people just don’t have much of the culture of going to gigs so touring isn’t really a great option.

There are very few independent labels that help musicians but we are not very experienced in dealing with them so we don’t know much about them.

All the major gigs happen at college festivals where bands do get paid to perform. earlier, all people wanted was covers but the scene is very slowly changing and people are becoming receptive to original music now.

Answered on 12/08/2010 by Dammit

Wow..so it’s not so different from here! (US)

It will get better..the thing to remember is that the web is the new structural base, or platform, for the music industry, and the web, by nature, is capable of spanning the globe. This will mean that if the web can make the music industry better, it will do so for the whole world, and trust me, the web can make the music industry better. Give it time, and just keep making great music!

If you want to ask Dammit a question, go here.

Check out one of Dammit’s newest songs “State of My Nation.”  These guys rock!

Download their new EP Confused for Free Here Now


Dammit! – Free EP Confused – Review

Dammit! – “State of My Nation”

Dammit! is an amazing small town band straight out of India.

“Six-piece Karnataka alt/grunge/punk band Dammit recently released their debut EP Confused. The overt national consciousness/paranoia/rebellion of the band bleeds into their EP and their album art.”  –NH7

The band consists of:

Anup Cowkur-Vocals
Rijusatvik-Lead guitar
Varun Sharma-Rhythm guitar
Rohit Nikam-Bass
Sidhesh Iyer-Keyboards
Nachiket kalburgi-Drums

The EP has only 3 tracks, but they are extremely well recorded and put together, and if I didn’t know better, I’d never be able to tell this band was from India.

All of these guys are great musicians, and they seem to mesh really well together. Anup’s English is perfect, and his voice compliments their groove perfectly as well. As far as punk bands go, these guys kick ass! Their lyrics and song concepts are full of purpose and they’ll also just rock the fck out.

The EP can be downloaded for free on the band’s Facebook page. It’s definitely worth a listen. These guys are awesome!

Reviewed by: Dante Cullari  Founer & CEO Beat-Play, LLC