Tag Archives: new age

Peter Bjorn & John – It Don’t Move Me

A great music video improv recorded track from the ‘I Love Sweden‘ independent music documentary. Hear more from Peter Bjorn & John.


Now this is rock! “Survival In No Mans Land” is definitely one of the best indie rock albums I’ve heard in quite sometime. They have such a unique style that set them apart from the rest similar to Incubus’ creativity which brought them huge success. They have that great indie rock feel while adding the modern, spacey, and electro tones to compliment their strong original sound.Here is the band:

The tempo of their music feels extremely happy, while optimistically speaking of the many sorrows encountered from love in the past. Their hit “Night Is On Fire” is an awesome song getting alot of feedback from fans throughout the internet. The vocals and overall musical structure of “So Much” is an instant hit, making you fall in love with ME MY HEAD right away. Visit iTunes to purchase here. Having been released in November of 2009, be on the lookout for their newest work, I’m sure we won’t be let down.

“Night Is On Fire”

“So Much”