
The Beat-Play Experiment

Our blog is dedicated to providing the public with quality music from the Independent music community and inform people of the amount of good musicians world-wide with a better sound, style, inspiration, and overall message. All music on The Beat-Play Experiment is for promotional purposes only for the artist, given to us directly by the artist or representative themselves or openly available online by the specified artist. If you would like to have any track removed please email us – info@musicwithoutlabels.com

Looking For Promotion???

Album Reviews

Looking to have an Album Review done for your promotional use? Please contact us via the email address below and we will get you the appropriate mailing address to send your work to. Also, if you haven’t noticed our ALBUM REVIEWS yet; we definitely suggest you check out some of the awesome albums we have reviewed so far from our independent Music Without Labels artists

Slightly Stoopid - Beat-Play

Photography and Video footage

If you are an independent artist and happen to be located in, around or going to the following cities (Cape Town, SA / Dublin, IR / Denver, CO / Los Angeles, CA / Philadelphia, PA / San Diego, CA) then please contact us to shoot photos and video footage wherever you will be. To get a better understanding of some of our past work please visit our Youtube Channel along with some of the Photography on the blog. You’ll notice these can be shows, sessions, music videos, and even interviews so give us a shout and we will be in touch.

booking shows

As a growing independent it becomes very difficult for many musicians to branch out demographically beyond their own state or town of origin. At Music Without Labels & Beat-Play we’ve developed everlasting relationships with numerous venues and consulting firms all willing to help the cause.

We are more than pleased to introduce a new side to Music Without Labels & Beat-Play, and start booking shows for anyone interested in expanding their name and coming to one of our select cities. It will be our pleasure to get you set-up and provide everything in our power to ensure the best accommodations for a kickass event. Please email Music Without Labels for more information. info@musicwithoutlabels.com

Our goal at Music Without Labels & Beat-Play, LLC is to build lasting relationships with the independent music community so in order to fulfill this we find it necessary to provide these services to these musicians as a common courtesy to their hard work and dedication to the fans. [AKA – you don’t gotta pay shit!]


San Diego, CA – Kian Bardikalaie & Shane Suski (Photographer/Reviewer/Writer)


Denver, CO – Jimmy Iles (Photographer/Writer)


Cape Town, South Africa – Elizabeth Stene (Reviewer/Writer/Photographer)


Dublin, Ireland – Shayne Byrne (Reviewer/Writer/Musician)


Los Angeles, CA – Chris Cullari (Video/Photographer/Writer)


Los Angeles, CA – Steve Rippin (Reviewer/Writer)


It is also good to note that our staff is limited at the moment with new additions every year to help build promotional potential. With that being said it is difficult for us to respond to all requests that come in, so please work with us and don’t take it personally if your album has not been reviewed or we are unable to attend a show. Thank you

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For any further information concerning Music Without Labels & Beat-Play, LLC please feel free to email us.


30 responses to “About

  1. Good points, I think I will definitely subscribe! I’ll go and read some more! What do you see the future of this being?

  2. Thank you, I’m glad you see the potential in this. I see the future of this being ONE music social platform that all artists use to supply their fans with their music, most likely for free while they get paid from unobtrusive ads. Once one music platform is established the possibilities for collaboration and integration of all of the awesome tools that are out there is made incredibly easier and can benefit the users way more than the current set up. Third party apps can be integrated with the beatplay social network to expand the capabilities of the site and the users.

    Also artists can track ALL of their plays, views, shares, ect, if they give their music away in exchange for ad revenues, because the downloads on the site will be much safer than say a torrent, putting an end to crashing computers and lawsuits. It will also spread the music posted ridiculously fast as long as it is good, which could give way to some of the most talented unknown performers of our generation.

    Bands will eventually be able to perform and sell tickets to live streaming concerts, and have updates sent directly to fan’s profiles. Band members could also practice with each other across the world if this social network system for music is created. Basically, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t have one, and a million and one reasons why we should..so I see the future of this thing spreading ridiculously throughout many facets of our lives. We will implement some SecondLife like features in the future, and hope to eventually have mobile hardware as well as mobil apps that work with Beat-Play.

    Then of course we hope to do the same thing with TV and Movies that we did with music, which was to free it, in almost every sense of the term.

  3. hello, i am sending you the link to my bands myspace so you can hear it! i hope you enjoy it!

    • Thanks I’ll check it out. How did you find us? I’d love if you signed up on MusicWithoutLabels so we can let you know when Beat-Play is ready for beta testing. It’s a great way for artists to promote themselves and maintain control over their careers. Thanks again for the link.

  4. Pingback: The Beat-Play Experiment – Entry #1 « The Beat-Play Experiment

  5. Pingback: The Confessions of a Serial Inventor « The Beat-Play Experiment

  6. hi,
    I’ve tried to sign up today, but unfortunately it didn’t work…. hope it will be ready sooooon. all the best, karola

  7. yes I did. filled out the form (not for myself, for an artist I’m working with) and I didn’t see, where I could manage my site or actually it hasn’t change anything. the site looked like before. and: i didn’t get an email about my registration….

    • Do me a favor and check and see at the bottom of MWL if the artist appeared in that list. It’s alphabetical. I’m sorry for the confusion. Right now our main website, Beat-Play, which is where artists will upload their music and have a profile, and can do all sorts of other awesome stuff, is still being developed. We are in internal beta stages. Public beta will go live (hopefully) by May. MusicWithoutLabels is just a landing page for artists to show support, and for us to show support for the independent artists, also we gather their information so we can let them know when Beat-Play is ready for beta testing. So there are no profiles on MWL, and there is no activation email, but you will be notified as soon as our real site is made available. I, again, am very sorry for the confusion, and for the wait. We are working harder than ever to bring these innovative new tools to independent artists all over the world. I believe you have already read about us on this blog, but if you have any other questions, please, don’t hesitate to ask! Thank you very much for your support!

  8. thx…. then I’ll wait 🙂

  9. Pingback: How the F**K can I find some good music?? « The Beat-Play Experiment

  10. Pingback: The Beat-Play Experiment – Entry #5 « The Beat-Play Experiment

  11. Pingback: Music, Concerts..What’s Next..Food by Mood? – Hey Not a Bad Idea « The Beat-Play Experiment

  12. Pingback: The Top 12 Reasons not to Sign to a Label « The Beat-Play Experiment

  13. Pingback: Indie Artist Promotion Priority # 1: Reduce Clicks « The Beat-Play Experiment

  14. Pingback: Creation Over Promotion « The Beat-Play Experiment

  15. Pingback: The Beat-Play Experiment Entry #6 « The Beat-Play Experiment

  16. Pingback: How Tech is Changing the Tone of Music as We Know it « The Beat-Play Experiment

  17. Pingback: Labels Aren’t for ANYBODY « The Beat-Play Experiment

  18. Pingback: Radio Reddit: The New Top 40? – Why not? « The Beat-Play Experiment

  19. Pingback: It’s Time for Indie Artists to Organize, Now More Than Ever! – Join the Music Without Labels Community! – There are Great Benefits to Be Had!! « The Beat-Play Experiment

  20. Pingback: Record Labels Used to be Cool – Who Woulda Guessed it? « The Beat-Play Experiment

  21. Pingback: GarageBand.com Takes A Dive « The Beat-Play Experiment

  22. Pingback: Music’s Silent Salary Cap « The Beat-Play Experiment

  23. Pingback: Musicians: Get the Most From Your Mac « The Beat-Play Experiment

  24. Pingback: New Beat-Play About us Vid! « The Beat-Play Experiment

  25. Pingback: The Beat-Play Experiment Entry #9 – Updates! | The Beat-Play Experiment

  26. Pingback: Re-Re-Post: Seven Crimes That Will Get You a Smaller Fine than File-Sharing | The Beat-Play Experiment

  27. Hi there 🙂

    My name is Sahara Starr and I am about to release my first mu album.

    It’s a culmination of years of personal effort and I have spent my life’s savings to produce it myself. If you’re interested, please check out a sample at http://Sahara.ws < one of my tracks plays there automatically so please turn up your speakers (it may take a moment to start playing).

    I am looking for partners to help me promote my album. I am willing to donate a portion of the revenues to a charity of your choice and/or give the funds directly back to you in the form of commissions.

    Additionally, I'd be willing to consider doing some free photo modeling or video spokesperson work for your company, if you have that need for any products or services related to your website. I would do this in exchange for your support, such as announcing my album on your site using the animation you see at the address above or a banner I could make to your specifications. Also, if you are amenable to it, perhaps we could somehow include an announcement in any email correspondence you have with your user/member base – however it would be done, we could discuss a revenue split on any reasonable basis. 🙂

    Finally, when you go to my site, you will see a really cool CD animation. I have the ability to create this custom animation for any artist and if you\'d like to resell that service and earn more commissions, we can discuss that as well. As you will see, the CD booklet for my album is 16 pages, but I can create an animation like that one for 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 pages, all custom made for any artist, producer or record label.

    Thanks for reading this and feel free to contact me any time at Sahara@Starr.ws

    Warmest regards,
    Sahara Starr

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