Fang Island.  I guess the name says it all.  One part crazy electric guitar that bites the crap out of you and one part complete and utter fun which I guess you would have if you were on an island?  Crappy analogy aside Fang Island is a f*cking party.  They hail from Brooklyn, New York but I can hear them all the way down in Los Angeles.  In their bio they describe there own sound as “everyone high-fiving each other.”  I wish I could have written that.  Here’s the fifth track off their 2010 self titled release.
Sideswiper – Fang Island
With a three guitar wall of rock Fang Island will melt your face.  They are loud, fast and promise a great listening experience.  Opening track “Dream of Dreams” starts the crescendo of pace and volume and they never look back.  “Davey Crockett” offers a brief chance to catch your breath mid disc before it takes off into a massive guitar laden trance of awesomeness.  Clocking in at just under six minutes, this song will kill your ear drums.  Turn it to eleven and be patient.
Davey Crockett – Fang Island
Their bio states that Fang Island started as an art school project.  My second favorite band, Talking Heads, came together in the same fashion.  Get me into that school immediately because I want to try some of what they’re having.
Fang Island is guitarist Jason Bartell, bassist Michael Jacober, guitarist Chris Georges, guitarist Nicholas Andrew Sadler, and drummer Marc St. Sauveur. They all share collective group vocal harmonies and the occasional hand claps…  The goal was to “make music for people who like music.”  That is, music without irony that harnesses its uplifting qualities. Just like a classic rock song or classical symphony can stir us emotionally, Fang Island exists to unlock that spirit. — Fang Island
My favorite track on this record is an instrumental with emphasis on the “mental”.  It’s called “Welcome Wagon.”  The layers upon layers of guitar mixed with all kinds of loud is kind of making me want to get out of my chair and trash my apartment immediately as I sit here and write this blog.
Welcome Wagon – Fang Island
As I listen to this record from beginning to end as I write this post it is literally making me tired.  I just want to see them live so I can see if the record holds up.  It has to right?  With that said they just came off performances at SXSW and I’m sure they destroyed the place.  Having listened to this band for a little while (their record came out about a year ago) I think it’s time to give the three guitar rock onslaught their do and buy their record.  Here’s the info and, oh yea, one more tune and video.
Daisy – Fang Island
Buy “Fang Island” HERE.
By: Steve Rippin | Beat-Play Ambassador Los Angeles | @stevewithMWL|Music Without Labels & Beat-Play, LLC

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