The Vaccines “What Did You Expect From The Vaccines” [MUSIC]

It’s time to cross the pond in this post.  Most of the time I try to keep it local talking about bands in the local LA music scene or even just in the US, but every now and again I hear a band that I MUST write about no matter where they come from.  This band is called the Vaccines.  They write cool songs, they are British which makes them cooler and they have a new record out called “What Did You Expect From The Vaccines.”  I expected complete bullshit and I got complete awesomeness. (I didn’t actually expect complete bullshit.)

Wreckin’ Bar – The Vaccines

The Vaccines have been a band for less than a year and already they are selling out shows over seas and are currently on tour with Liverpool’s own Arctic Monkeys.  Their debut offering “What Did You Expect From The Vaccines” reached 157 on the Brit pop charts.  They fall into one of my favorite genres in music, all of them.  They have that 50’s and 60’s early Brit pop vibe.  The punk qualities of the Ramones and they have the croon of The Strokes.

Photo by, Leon Diaper

Their music has a familiarity to it that a lot of bands take years to find and hone.  Song by song the tunes are upbeat and completely original with only hints of influences of the past.  Sometimes I get pissed when bands get big this fast especially if they don’t deserve it.  The Vaccinies on the other hand have created a sound that people like and entered a new music scene where people are always thirsty for bands like them.  England is killing it right now with Mumford and Son’s beocmming a global success and Arctic Monkeys are out destroying the world stage and festival circuit.  Add the Vaccines to that list of bands to check out and CD’s (ok fine or MP3s) to listen to.  I hate to consider it a new British invasion, because it’s not even close, but damn it those Brits know how to throw down.

Wetsuit – The Vaccines

Justin Young is the lead vocalist backed by Anri Hjorvar on bass with Freddie Cowan on guitar and Pete Robertson on drums.  Classic four piece set up with a classic four piece sound.  This is a quality debut.  It’s not over produced at all.  It has angry bass and drums which I absolutely love and the guitars hold their own with effects laden solos and crunchy rock rhythms not to mention the great vocal quality.

If You Wanna – The Vaccines

I can’t wait to see these guys live when they roll into LA with Arctic Monkeys on June 3rd.

They have a free download available from there site HERE.  The tune is called Norgaard and the download is a live version of the song, but here is the version from the record.

Norgaard – The Vaccines

So I just wrote this whole blog on this awesome band.  Come to find out they are signed to a MAJOR LABEL (dum dum dummmmmmm…dumb).  At Beat Play and Music WITHOUT Labels obviously we are more inclined to write about and promote bands that need to be and want to be promoted without the strong arm of a label forcing them in every direction.  I guess I can only hope that The Vaccines decide to drop their major label and re-join the indie music scene some day in the future.  Even still I got to give credit where it is due.  These guys are really awesome and for obvious reasons they are becoming very popular.

Tour page is HERE and you can BUY their new record HERE.

Here’s the last track from “What Did You Expect From The Vaccines.”

Wolf Pack – The Vaccines

By: Steve Rippin | Beat-Play Ambassador Los Angeles | @stevewithMWL|Music Without Labels & Beat-Play, LLC

2 responses to “The Vaccines “What Did You Expect From The Vaccines” [MUSIC]

  1. I’ve been completely hooked on The Vaccines since I first heard “Post Break-up Sex” …can’t wait to see them open for Arctic Monkeys on 5/28 in MPLS!

  2. kevincorcoranjr

    it’s not that the vaccines have done anything brand new… but they have done what has already been done exceptionally well! The same way that you are excited that one of your favorite bands releases a new album that ACTUALLY sounds like they’re old album… The Vaccines have a sound that is familiar and that you want to hear again! I really like the song they’re giving away right now (!

    Also.. sign up to win tickets to see them live!! (i just did haha) –

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