Tag Archives: internet marketing

Music Lab Blog: Music Is Your Job

With the advent of new networking tools and various forms of media distribution, many bands and artists are focused on creating a buzz rather than creating great music. Granted, there is a time and place for marketing and promotion. However, when a band focuses more on promotion rather than expressing themselves through their own unique musical talents they run the risk of devaluing their most important asset, their work. We live in a digital world where all we hear is “Facebook this” or “Tweet that,” and while these instruments are powerful tools if implemented efficiently, more often than not, it would behoove the artist to appropriate time in the studio and/or developing their craft instead of aimlessly gallivanting the twitterverse.

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By: Kyle C. Stilley | Online Marketing | @Stillz | Music Without Labels & Beat-Play, LLC

Music Blog Entry: Youtube Music Promo Tips

Youtube has added many new features in the past few years that really give users an innovative way of spreading your video content throughout one of the largest networks online. With the addition of new features comes the transition of useful marketing strategies. Learn how to effectively utilize:

  • Channels for Videos
  • User Connect
  • Tags and Annotations
  • Video Responses

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Promote Your Music: Intro to Music Labs Blog

Music Without Labels & Beat-Play, LLC is dedicated to providing FREE promotion for independent musicians around the globe through our many online marketing strategies. To increase our services we would like to offer you a new way to learn how to personally build your online presence and global appearance altogether with many online marketing techniques. Music Labs Blog will teach your band all the necessary steps needed to promote your music through social networking, search engine marketing, and many other social media methods.

Come to Music Labs Blog and Revolutionize your outreach to Expand Your Following!

Musicians Should Blog

Blogging has become one the best ways for a person or brand to share their content and interests with the world. From corporate conglomerates, to local businesses, right down to musicians, blogs have been a great form of success for building a personal relationship with your fans/customers. Music Without Labels believes that it is extremely beneficial for musicians to blog about their music. Continue reading

Myspace: Don’t Waste Your Time!

MusicWithoutLabels believes that any social networking platform, if used properly and maintained proficiently, can be used to effectively promote a brand, a band, a business, etc. Studies have shown social media platforms can increase brand recognition, promote constructive criticism, and create exposure. These platforms also allow the user to create an intimate, more personal connection with fans and new listeners. Facebook, at the moment, is creating the most buzz and will hold that crown for the immediate future. As with all technology, fads come, Twitter, and they go, Myspace.

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Linkedin A New Class???

Linkedin has been an increasingly successful business network of over 65 million users, connecting them to exchange information, ideas, and potential business opportunities. This network allows users to connect with other professionals within three degrees of separation (a friends, friends, friend). This gives those who don’t know you the ability to see some of your posts, activity, or ask you questions.

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Promotion Online: Is it really worth it?

That all depends on your definition of success. If your definition is getting a few hundred views on your blog every week, then yea, it works great.

However if you’re an independent musician, or a small business owner, and you’re one fish swimming in a sea of millions, online promotion today won’t do much at all for making you successful. Course that doesn’t mean it can’t.

With all of the hype behind social networks, and people shoving out thousands of dollars to “internet marketing” companies to conduct marketing that most people don’t even fully understand, and that’s methods are still evolving so rapidly, it’s no wonder that people continue to jump on the ship.

Nobody really knows what’s going on, but they’re smart enough to know that something is happening. And this isn’t a bad thing, but it can be a bit dangerous if not handled correctly.

Results on the web have not proven to be full proof by any means. There is no secret formula that can guarantee success. Right now it’s all about luck, some strategy, risk, and persistence. And the results don’t always come out quite how you expect.

I wouldn’t say online promotion is in it’s infant stages, but I would say it’s about a pre-teen right now. The potential there has not been fully realized.

This is an important thing to take into consideration when planning on investing and developing an internet marketing strategy. It’s best not to get your hopes up about anything online right now.

If a company is telling you they can get you thousands of new views to your website a week, I would at least be a little skeptical about where these “views” are coming from.

It’s not to say that internet promotion is not a good thing to do. If anything, I believe it WILL eventually be the future of marketing, just because of the million benefits that the internet provides to it’s users in general, including ease of use, mobile access and stuff like that. It safe to say the internet will always be a big part of people’s lives.

So establishing a presence is a great idea that I believe everyone should do, but expecting the world out of it right now would be a bit wishful.

As practices develop however, online promotion will begin to get much more fruitful. If you want an example of how this may be possible, check out my model for Beat-Play, and how we revolutionize promotion for independent artists.

The same principles can be applied literally to anything that needs promoted online, but gone will be the days of posting ads and trying to virtually scream for attention into a crowd of people. It doesn’t work too well in real life either.

Instead, the beauty of the internet is that it offers alternatives to these kinds of medieval things. When the internet matures a little, if someone is looking for something that you provide, they will automatically get introduced to you.

In other words, the people already looking for you, will find you, and you will no longer have to waste time advertising to people who may never have a need to look for you.

It seems right now we are working against the natural flow of the internet, when it comes to our marketing methods. When we smarten up a little bit, things will definitely change.

This is a good thing to keep in mind when considering any kind of online promotion. If you’re not getting great results, don’t get frustrated..it’s not designed for you to….but it will be soon. Just don’t go betting the bank on it just yet.

Written by: Dante Cullari Founder & President Beat-Play, LLC

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