Monthly Archives: July 2010

The Music Seen – Another Awesome Blog to Find Good Music


THE MUSIC SEEN is a place to experience, share and find good music. It is bands, their music, and their concerts, seen through the eyes of professional music lovers. Happy listening.

Check out their Quick Guide too.

A Little Taste:

LCD Soundsystem – “Drunk Girls”:

Jukeboxer – Awesome Music Mix Blog

There’s some really awesome mixes on this blog. Def worth checking out. He posts a new one every week.  Jukeboxer


Hi. My name is Dalen, and I enjoy sharing music.

5 track mix will be posted each week, usually on Saturday.

Click on the artists name to visit their Last.FM page, and if you enjoy their music, please support them by purchasing their CD’s, records, tapes, and merchandise.

Also, each mix will be accompanied by an inspirational photograph from German photographerMatthias Heiderich. He’s awesome isn’t he?

take care,


Artist Contact:

If you think I would enjoy your music, please get in touch. If I really dig it, I’ll buy the first round when I visit your city.


Recording Tips Archive

Sweet Recording Tip Blog:

Amazing Audio Equalizer from Music Technology Group

From Music Technology Group

Reactable – Things just keep getting stranger

This would be super addicting..someone needs to make an online version of this!!

From the Reactablesite:

We created Reactable Systems with the vision to redefine the way we interact with computers. Using the knowledge we gained through the Reactable musical instrument we are developing intuitive products focused on the promotion of creativity and the mediation of culture. In order to achieve this we are applying the latest technologies in human computer interaction, music technology, graphics and computer vision.

Reactable Systems is a spin-off company of the Pompeu Fabra Universityand is collaborating with its Music Technology Group, one of the worlds largest research labs in music technology.

Our first product is the Reactable, a novel musical instrument that has gained international reputation and received several worldwide awards. Based on the successful concept of the Reactable we are working on new applications enhancing the technology and expanding its applications.

Creative Allies – Artist Meet Artist

Pretty Interesting Concept: Creative Allies is a community for anyone who loves to create. Creative people from anywhere in the world can upload Creations for their favorite bands and get paid.

Join as an Ally

You can upload Creations: t-shirt designs, radio commercials, posters, write show

reviews, or design original art inspired by your favorite song or bands. Show me everything I can Upload.

Join as a Musician

Musicians can exclusively license a Creation from the Allies through our simple

Activation process. Browse through Creations and see what other members of the

community think through ratings and comments. Musicians pay for the Creations they choose to use. See licensing costs.

TEDtalk: David Byrne: How Architecture Helped Music Evolve [VIDEO]

As his career grew, David Byrne went from playing CBGB to Carnegie Hall. He asks: Does the venue make the music? From outdoor drumming to Wagnerian operas to arena rock, he explores how context has pushed musical innovation.

Muziik DJ – Youtube DJing!

Muziic DJ

Now gain the ability to DJ all of the youtube videos you love. Placing them in playlists where you can then mix each song between one another on virtual mixing boards as seen above. This is a great way to learn the basics of mixing music, tempos, effects, and equalizers, while being really fun at the same time.

Move over iTunes – Mozilla’s Songbird is Here

Great article that highlights the features.

One Bit Music – Tristan Perich

1-Bit Music (2004-2005), a project by composer and artist Tristan Perich, probes the foundations of digital sound. Though housed in a CD jewel case, 1-Bit Symphony is not a recording in the traditional sense; it literally “performs” its music live when turned on. A complete electronic circuit programmed by the artist and assembled by hand plays the music through a headphone jack mounted into the case itself.

The device plays back 40 minutes of low-fi 1-bit electronic music—the lowest possible digital representation of audio. Available now from Cantaloupe Music or as a limited art edition.

Perich works with the same chips to create 1-Bit Video and his machine drawings, pen-on-paper drawings executed by machine that explore randomness and order.